We are excited to have a booth at CHAP for the 2nd time! This year we will be giving away 40 firework glasses for the occasion of HEAV’s 40th anniversary. Visit our booth for hands-on activities for your children and to find out about:
Lightlab book for elementary youth and Middle School:
Twelve Chapters
Hands-on Activities
Questions that promote critical thinking
Featured Scientists who are devout Christians
Historical references
Bible Lessons on God as Light
Teacher Resources
Free teacher training offered: Online, in person, or recordings
Fre answers to questions in the book
Free crossword puzzles for each lesson.
Powerpoint lessons for large groups
Extra-activities to dig deeper into the Lightlab lessons, perfect for older youth.
Tutorials and workshops for Older Youth:
Color Theory
Courses on Astronomy, Light/Optics/Color, Climate Change