On September 18, 2020, Heidi said “Elementary School Teacher Gives Lightlab a Big Thumbs Up! Lightlab is such an excellent book for teaching children approximately ages 7-12 about the science of light and solid Christian Bible lessons which point to Jesus as the Light of the World. Twelve fascinating lessons progress, all with hands-on science in which students use electricity, magnets, compasses, etc. This book is wonderfully organized with deep yet concise explanations and very helpful Q&As so even a teacher or parent without a strong background in science can feel confident in properly guiding students in their learning. The author's website offers supportive information -- answer keys, power points/videos, crossword puzzles to reinforce concepts and vocabulary, where to order materials, and how to contact the author.
In addition to teachers/parents using this book, children can have their own copies of the book if that is preferred since the book is written at a level elementary school-age children can comprehend too. Many of the supplies needed for the science experiments can be easily obtained and at a reasonable price.
We are loving this book as it guides us with an outdoor Church camp program. So, I highly recommend Lightlab in a Christian classroom, for homeschooling, or at church for Sunday school or camp programs. The author, Suzanne Shera, has a strong science background and has done an outstanding job of sharing her expertise for the science of light as well as connecting readers to the beautiful messages of God's Light in the Bible.”
On August 31, 2020, Stephaney said “Makes Concepts of LIGHT (which still holds mysteries for scientists) Accessible for Children! This book is well written, covering many aspects of light, it provides easy experiments for each chapter, but most of all it extols the Creator who not only made the light, but who is light and the G-d-sent Messiah who is the Light of the World. The experiments do require purchase of some materials, but many materials you may already have at home. The author has generously provided teacher resources/book supplements such as crossword puzzles, videos, and a slideshow for chapter 1 on her website. This curriculum was a success for elementary English learners as well older native English speakers. The hands-on activities cement concrete understanding whereby to be able to attach higher-level abstract concepts later. Combined with some essays on each chapter, one could easily make a whole semester out of studying light (and even some apologetics) with Lightlab. I would highly recommend Lightlab for a community classroom or school setting, a Sunday School, or even super-charged family devotions. These are lessons you and your children will remember. The concepts are broken down enough to allow an elementary student to understand it, but fascinating enough to keep the teacher intrigued. You will love it!!!”
Bridge the gap between faith and science with this consumable book on light. Author, Suzanne Shera, brings to light the study of reflection, refraction, light waves, electromagnetism, and color, all while interweaving the Word of God and our need for the Light of the World in our life. Each chapter has a few pages of teaching and instruction, followed by interactive labs to put what you are learning into practice. Labs can be done with common household items. After the experiments comes spiritual formation work. Students dive into scriptural studies that are loosely tied to the light lessons being learned. For example, when learning about reflection the spiritual formation studies focus on how the Word of God reflects God. This would make a great addition to a Science VBS program or even a youth group study. 113 pgs, pb. ~Rebecca
On July 13 2021, Christian School Teacher said “Highly recommend“ As a Christian school teacher I am always looking for ways to engage students and integrate biblical principles. This book does both of those things. I used this book during a week long summer camp to students going into grades 2-5. This book appeals to all grade levels and includes experiments that challenge students at any age. I loved teaching my students biblical principles while exploring creation in more depth through scientific study. I would recommend this book for parents and teachers to engage their children in exciting and intriguing study of God and his creation.”
On January 29 2018, Vicky said “Teaching Lightlab!” I am currently seeking my teachers' certification and have to choose a science topic for an oral presentation at the end of one of my classes. After reading LightLab, it will work just perfectly for my presentation. I am choosing to present the LightLab lessons on Color, which is my favorite portion of the book. I love the diagrams and pictures throughout the book, which make it very clear to understand the concepts. The hands-on activities are very engaging and I can't wait to have my class learn through them. The incorporation of Christian themes in the book is amazing and a blessing; I will be including that material as well in my presentation.
Heidi said “The children at St Paul’s In Sharpsburg, Maryland, sure enjoyed Lightlab Church Camp with fun hands-on experiments to learn more about God‘s science of light and intriguing Bible lessons that point to Jesus as the Light of the World.”