Welcome to Lightlabetc!

The nature of light fascinated me since High school when I learned why the sky is blue, how lenses form images, and about the role of total internal reflection in fiber optics technology. In college, I studied Physics with a focus on Optics marveling in its life-giving applications. I  worked in research for eight years, until devoting myself to full-time motherhood and homeschooling.

In this new season of my life, I taught Part-Time and volunteered in children’s ministry: Sunday School, CEF, AWANA, and VBS. During that time, a desire grew in me to glorify God with my knowledge about the nature of light. A quick search in the Bible revealed over 200 references to light inspiring me to teach children about the nature of light, with the hope that they might also:

  1. Marvel in the nature of light and acknowledge its goodness just like our Creator (Genesis 1:4)

  2. Delight in Jesus who reflects God’s light, and redeems us back to Him (John 8:12)

  3. Rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance to shine God’s light to others (Acts 1:8)

By 2013, I had written twelve lessons for elementary students filled with hands-on activities and Bible lessons about light. I compiled them in the book Lightlab to make it accessible to anyone who is as passionate as I am about teaching Science and passing down the Christian faith. Since Lightlab’s publication in 2017, I have enjoyed introducing it to co-ops, schools, churches and homeschool conferences.

By August 2023, I hope to complete twelve extra-activities to extend each Lightlab chapter, and I have been adding on this website various tutorials for older youth. I also offer workshops on these new topics, in-person as well as online.

In all that I do, I seek to offer hope to the next generation, preparing them intellectually and spiritually. I pray that they grow knowledgeable of all things (Daniel 1:4), aware of God’s love for them (John 3:16), and willing to follow His ways (Psalm 19).

In awe of our Creator and Redeemer,

Suzanne Ourfalian Shera, M.S.

Contact Me anytime about the content of the book, speaking engagements and other educational services on various topics for youth and adults. Scroll down for details.